This trip originated as the brainchild of the Hell Guys who indicated a desire to bust up to High Rocks on a previous outing. We had completed this same sojourn one year before and they had little difficulty re engaging us in that notion.
Jerky Mike was up for it but the Hell Guys weren't able to attend as a result of red dot disease. John the Red suggested they be renamed the "Bail Guys." I didn't think that was appropriate so he then suggested they be called the "Fail Guys." That sounded a little more reasonable. At least they let us know they would not be able to attend instead of just no showing. We all wish a speedy recovery. Sally D, however, told us that he could not attend. His lovely wife, Cindy, was ill with the flu and he was at home taking care of her and Holly. Dave really hates to miss a snow event but he is a dutiful husband.
You can see why we skipped on good ole campsite 74. It is a horse site and as you can judge by the apparent damage around the firepit by said equestrians, we moseyed on up the six miles to campsite 75. There was a chance that we could catch AJ up there since he indicated that he was going to pursue the High Rocks venture.
And sure enough, he was there, without a warming fire for us. So we put him immediately to work. The rain began to set in and the temperature was a little warm for snow. Disappointing though that were, we continued in the full Highlander tradition and persevered to create the usual barn burner. I will have to say that Friday was a very wet and somewhat miserable affair. I was soaked because I was too lazy to properly don the rain pants over my soft shell. Then the fire got roached and it was time for bed.
On Saturday, it was AJ's intended departure so we bid him farewell as Jerky Mike prepped for a dayhike up to the High Rocks. I opted out of that journey as a result of a knee issue that called for a day of rest. I would be the camp B for a day and gather wood and scout for Bear signs on Bear Creek. It was unusual for me to have a day to mill about camp but I didn't sit down once the entire day. I was too busy breaking Mikes saw and my back in the wood collection process.
It was great to see AJ. It had been since Hangover and he was itching to get into "them thar hills."
Mike returned from his hike to the trail junction and we decided to haul this monster log back into camp. By now the weather was getting really cold and snow was spitting on us. As we round the corner, who happens to be standing there?
That's right! It's our Highlander President, Sally Dumplin. If there
is snow, Dave wants to go. Apparently, Cindy and Holly were getting along
okay and he was able to sneak out for a night. Considering the 2 hour
drive and six mile hike, I would say it was hiking Cameo for the record books.
We were expecting BC George because he told us he would attend Saturday.
Not Dave. It was a pleasant surprise.
By dark, the snow was accumulating and temperatures were in the low twenties.
Then we had these strange alien landing strips reminiscent of the Nazca lines.
Mike warmed his wet, dayhiking feet over an Abe Lincoln Fire.
The wind was fairly constant here at the elevation of 3000 plus feet.
That necessitated a meat and cheese board to offset the cold. And it was devoured, I assure ye! Smoked Gouda with filet mignon and roasted parmesan crackers is good stuff in lower temperatures.
I caught this glimpse of the full moon around 11 pm as the clouds started to break.
Sunday morning was cold but the sun brought a promise of warmth.
(gratuitous self photo)
I call this "night river". It was from the hike in.
In summation, we had a variable weather event that tested all of our gear to the max. It was great to have Dave show and we missed the Fail Guys. We hope that they are able to make it next time but if not, is there a spot for an unnamed Highlander in their group?