MT. CAMMERER 9/10/06
Here for Sunrise Video From Tower
Highlanders and associates enjoy a beautiful
(three pics
courtesy Bat Mite)
George reconsiders
another smoke break as the Bat-Mite closes in. Sally Dumplin gives them a
decent head start up Low Gap Trail.
Lest anyone
forget who takes these pics
About the
only wildlife to be seen unless you consider Vince howling at the moon with
warpaint and his tom-tom.
Highlanders and
Vince crest the summit ridge in a totally socked in cloudbank.
Firetower is empty, for now.
As the sun
fades into the night, we celebrate the arrival of the Fisher brothers.
Somewhere in this valley is the Hun, hiking up, because he said he would be
there for certain.
"What a
trail," The boys think. We will fly up to the tower with a shake of the magic
staff. Giddy Up, Bradley.
A little
head dunk on the way out. 6 miles of downhill.
We run
into some old friends from TriCorner Knob on their way to do shelter work at
Cosby Knob.
This is a
beautiful forest and a very busy trail on Sunday. Big trees in some spots.
What you will not notice is a picture of Martin, who lost his battle with fear
and remained in Asheville with his lover, Brenda, while Highlanders made calls
to everyone but the Park Service to check on him. I think Sally D put it best,
we will not make that mistake again. If anyone would like to get in touch with
Martin, I will be happy to forward Brenda's phone number, that is, if she allows
him to accept calls yet.