As we watch our public lands degenerate in the hands of unelected bureaucrats who squander the millions we entrust with their care, the need arises for citizenry to reign the management therein. Thus is the vision of Southern Forest Watch. In our beloved Great Smoky Mountains National Park it is the brainchild of current management that backcountry campers and backcountry campers alone should pay a tax to use this land for which they are already taxed. In the eyes of Superintendent Dale Ditmanson and Assistant Superintendent Kevin Fitzgerald and their NPS overlords, charging people to sleep on the ground while giving a free pass to other user groups is justified for now. We say that once the camel gets its nose in the tent, every user group is fair game with these desk jockeys. We are ground zero in the fight against double taxation. That four dollar fee will be forty dollars per night in 15 years. Disenfranchising the groups that need to be in the wilderness the most is a wrong, shortsighted solution in search of a problem. We must stand up now. Our cause has won in the court of public opinion. It is now time to beat them back in the Federal court system. But to do this, we need your help. Our legal team is dedicated and passionate, but the National Park System has attorneys three rows deep. To execute our challenge properly takes financial resources. Please make a tax deductible donation. Your children and their grandchildren will be proud of you for standing up for them. The stakes are great but the consequences of inaction are even greater. Stand up to this Federal overreach. Please donate and send this link to your friends. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts.
the Board of Southern Forest Watch.
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Southern Forest Watch