Hangover 2009
Team Extreme only. And for
good reason.
Frozen clothes
Frozen trees and
Beautiful landscapes all the way
SouthernHighlanders smile,
this, is our kind of weather. This stuff is what we've been dealing with
for 6 weekends now. Why, "Because we liiiike it!"
Remember that time we couldn't get
a fire going? Neither do I. All we had to do was keep Abe our of it.
Honest Abe, the log cabin guy. It's a good thing old Abe made this trip.
He's got three kids, a wife and a farm and climbed up Hangover in
predictably poor weather. Still made it under two hours without having
hiked in over a year. He stayed for two days, has a bad back, carried
extra gear and didn't have to make 800 phone calls to see if everyone else was
backing out or not. Ab stays active and isn't lazy. That's how
a he can do this stuff on a whim without using any of the above for excuse.
Even retrieval of a food bag can
present winter camping challenges.
This was on my climb, day one.
I crawled up into this cloud that never departed to meet Sally Dumplin who had
already spent a night up there.
Near the same spot on day four.
Quite a difference.
Who is this guy? It's
Reverend Grady and close behind is his group now known as the Wolfpack.
Why the Wolfpack? They
used an alternative trail out of Wolf Laurel instead of Big Fat Gap. They
are alternative hikers. I thought they looked a bit too refreshed when strolling
onto the clear-cut. Next time, they might reconsider any suggestion from
Wheat, though. That downhill ridge walk isn't quite as sweet on the flip
Jerky Mike is sneaking
up on the Indian teepee to scalp the infidel, having forgotten he is wearing a
blaze orange toboggan.
When speaking of hiking cameo
appearances, Umberger takes the cake, or should I say, leaves the log.
Firelog that is. He carried a great present that we desperately needed
along with the st. Bernard resupply kit in accordance with Forest Service
regulations. Just to clarify, he day hiked in the worst weather of the
trip to bring us supplies and departed. Kind of reminds me of an old
Dumplin valley guy we used to know.
promotes his side business, Muffin's Dive Shop.
Skid is an
advanced instructor and tears into Clark's muffin like nobody's business.
Let Grady's muffins Fiji, Bill.
You know this spot at the dog leg before
dropping the last mile to the car. These pictures alone made me realize
why I still love Hangover Lead trail because it always gives you surprises.
Enjoy the montage below.
That's Edmund
Hillary, aka Jack Hutchens, still working on a trail name.
Trail Stats: Big Fat Gap to the Hang, 2.8 miles. Overall a very meterologically diverse event. Hats off to to team Extreme who made this one of the most remarkable Hangover events in my memory. I think this trip counts for an extra merit badge, especially considering the amount of time collectively spent in that cloud bank. Jerky Mike provided a necessary relief for the fire duties which become critical in this kind of weather and the Wolfpack brought some fresh air to the mountain, unfortunately in the form of more frozen precipitation. Leslie was right on time with the Jerky which was devoured upon presentation, thanks! Hope you are feeling better. Let's just say I picked a good weekend to bust out the new rain gear and used every stitch of clothing at some point in time on this trip. My pack was as heavy on the descent as the ascent due to the frozen clothes, tent, tarp, water bottles etc. You can imagine that trail iced over, Ab slipped three times, I took one little spill. Dave and George denied any falls and I have yet to receive a report from the WolfPack. I saw the sun for the first time in four days when I hit Tapoco Lodge and it felt GREAT!