North on the AT from Chimneys to Big Creek.
This is the answer to some of
your questions about how Kathryn's Dad appreciated the little "shortcut" I drug
them through over the Chimney's Manway. (did I mention he was on the
boxing team at West Point?)
He helps his daughter through the slick
and still emerges with a smile. And so began the Kranitzky journey North
on the AT to finish at Cosby. They might say that after this, it was
definitely all "downhill". As for me, it was downhill back to the car.
These two had an apparently splendid three nights out from Mt. Collins to their
last stop at Cosby Nob. I heard the shelter idiot magnet factor was at
it's usual high so Chuck had to evict some squatters from their bunks.
Good work, now if you can just do something about the horses. Oh well,
that's for another day. They looked pretty good for the wear at the
journey's end.
I will allow you to enjoy this brief montage
of pictures from their walk below.