March 20-21, 2010
Looks like the
SouthernHighlanders had a little company on the Little Bottoms trip last
weekend. Here the Ranger is seen dispensing warning tickets to excess
backpackers at the campsite.
BC George gets a little
"extra" ranger attention as his tent gets searched for a second time.
Guess BC George looks guilty of something. I don't know what but he is
guilty of being a DA at times. Don't know if that warrants a rainfly check
by the fuzz or not. Either way, I got a kick of out the affair, from a
distance. Apparently you are not allowed to have a lighter in the
backcountry unless you are a chain cigarette smoker, which George is not,
Jerky Mike says he has problems
with authority figures and might just go off if his stuff gets searched.
Sally D reclines saying, "Take me to my happy place".
And who do you think was
present to witness this Outlaw Hiker run in with the law? None other than
the Brush Swine himself seen here with his usual yard sale of gear.
Mike and Dave examine the new
Muir Faction Logo. Mike thinks he can replace John Muir and become the
picture of the SouthernHighlander faction with a little more beard work.
Maybe so, Blue. Maybe so.
There are a few things I always
run across when trekking out to Little Bottoms any time of year. Snakes.
Scroll back through any of the little bottom trips and you will find that I
always see a snake in any month or any weather. Snakes and rangers, always
at this site.
From the apex of the pine nob you are
looking back towards Spence Field and Rocky Top.
The Big Two Hearted River is one
of my favorite Hemingway stories. I made UL read it before his first trip
out here.
In that story, Nick Adams confronts
his war torn past reflected by the charred trees and insects he encountered on
his fishing trip to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
The mountains are metaphor in the
transition of winter and spring like life building on the ashes of our past.
Charred remnants stand to remind us of the detritus we jettison until we learn
to properly build upon foundations cumulatively absorbed. Here
is the result of a parasite, the pine beetle. No doubt a new species of
tree will dominate the forest in the next few decades as we pay for the
sins of clear cutting done a hundred years ago.
Only in March will you see jonquils with
Of course on this trail you will
also see Asians with wheeled luggage and a ricksha contraption to carry
Always an adventure at the Little Bottoms campsite. Not pictured was McLovin and Mickey and their two friends and Uncle Tom, aka Mad Jack Hutchins. My photoshop finger was too tired to make them famous this week. (My apologies to Rakestraw, Will and others who check the web. This was a last minute deal and I got back from Co on Fri and blasted off on Sat for this trip. Just didn't have time to update stuff. Hope you can make next weekend 's trip)
Part Two: What you missed while we were in Breckenridge:
Looks like some major log burning
at Injun Creek weekend before last. Some pics require a photoshopping or
they look like Doo. I can see this group had some fun as Grady is about to
break into his usual spiritual hymn. This would be a short in saturday
night event.
Now for the skiing in Colorado. All I can say is PERFECT. Powder days and bluebird sun. What more can a group of skihappy Highlanders hope for? We had a ski in, ski out pad. You could walk to town. Why have we been doing this the hard way all these years. Best conditions of any spring trip the Highlanders have had. We had all kinds of company from Deirdra to Buckshot Bill and Super Dave Ammons. The Snow Gods blessed us for certain this time.