McGee Springs 9/15/06
Smooch informs Dave that she doesn't care if it is named after him, he doesn't own the place and she will camp where she likes!
Anyone for a little Buck Dancing?
Smooch is certain she can whip Sally Dumplin.
This is a night vision scope sighting of the McGhee Springs Injun(seated next to
S.Dumplin). He only appears late at night and departs early in the
morning. It is said that he haunts the springs looking Buff.
And not to disappoint, the Buffness appears and chases the Injun from camp.
Better than hot dogs, someone toasts their grape smuggler and divides the meal.
Down Hyatt Ridge we go, where we stop, well...I'd say about right after
the yellowjacket nest I managed to find. That's right, they got me this
time, but I fought the buggers and only manged to get stung once. Pretty
good considering we are averaging about 5 stings per trip, nowadays.
Thanks Global Warming. I love these new superpowered stinging insects.
(Trail Stats: Up Beech Gap Trail 3000ft to Hyatt Ridge Trail 5000 ft-2.9 miles, the .9 miles to campsite #44
Descent: Hyatt Ridge Trail to Enloe Creek, 4.5 miles)