guide Kim, Adam and Jen to one of their favorite spots.)
SouthernHighlanders -THE hiking outlaws
Beth and Jen appreciate the fall colors which have seemed to last from October
to Christmas, this year.
I, for one, am not complaining.
As a matter of fact, there's just not a whole lot for me to complain about on
this trip at all.
Grady decides he wants in on that action as well.
I had to be sweet so the girls would commence to wood fetchery. This log
is being carried for the purpose of building me a proper sitting place.
I can't say much for the accommodations they made for me, though. One of
the skills we teach on Southernhighlander outings is wilderness survival.
Their first attempt at synchronous creek crossings was a bit awkward.
I think that Beth had difficulty in making folks see the feasibility of her
Apparently, Grady prefers to swim. Beth thinks, well, I just got my feet
Uncle Larry pontificates on the absence of Hunley. I had to think for a
moment. Was he that guy who used to hike with us and do the stand up
routines and recite state capitals. "Of course not," Larry laughs.
"Martin, the Asheville guy." "Not that Bicurious dude."
Ricky Bobby Fisher keeps the spirits at bay. Grady protests. "Take
it easy, we might need those spirits." I thought there was going to be a
spiritual hymn singing or another photo op of me with some women.
Larry didn't think I would include this picture but Clark does seem to be
enjoying himself a bit much. Adam and Bobby are next in line. I
ended up missing a few socks.
Clark lost his battle with the tree.
Then Bobby succumbed to the spirits.
Grady fought the good fight up on the hillside with the evil spirits and next
morning had the scars to show for it.
Trail Stats: 3.5 miles to campsite 15 up Rabbit Creek Trail on saturday. A beautiful starry night was shared with the gang and next morning we looped back down Hannah Mtn to Abrams Creek Trail, passed old campsite 17 and came out down below campsite #1 for a daily total of 7 miles