The Edge Outdoes Lying Larry with the Log Lifting competetion.
C'mon Grady, you can do it, put a little bowel to it.
Plan B.
What an ugly morning, devoid of sunshine.
This one almost got away before I made soup of him.
Again, it was so cold, dreary and rainy that we hardly enjoyed ourselves at
all.. The Stay Puff Marshmallow Man is testament to this fact.
Some log bridge about a mile in. Nasty rainy weather. Larry
was absolutely right in turning tail.
8:00 am. Not so rare photograph of Uncle Larry deciding to abandon any
backpacking trip due to rain, pictured in above pictures.
Another picture of the miserable weather we were forced to endure on the North
Rim Trail.
More Ugly, rainy weather. Smooch makes the best of her miserable
I am so miserable from having to endure the awful weather that Larry predicted. It absolutely shows on my face. From now on, I will listen to you Uncle Larry. No more Forays into the darkness. We will always stick to the couch.
Trail Stats: 4 miles to Dinky Line Campsite. 10 miles to return on Saturday via the North Rim Trail. I might add that the N.R Trail is very pleasant with unparalleled views of the Savage Gulf. 14 miles total. hitcounter start-->