Baskins Creek  5/27/14

It was a last minute decision and one not regretted.  In my quest to finish lap number two in the Smokies, this was one of "those" trails.  And it didn't disappoint.

Many folks don't drop down the extra quarter mile to the actual falls.  But side trips are my specialty.

This is what remains of a pink lady slipper.  Looks like it slipped on off a couple of days ago.  But there were several along a certain stretch of this trail.

The rhodo was blazing, though.


Along with the mountain laurel.   I was thrilled to be able to squeeze in this little Smokies run.  I cruised up there on my motorcyle and enjoyed the roaring fork motor loop on a typical late spring day.  The storms missed me but I underestimated my time.  We had a SFW board meeting at my house scheduled for 6 pm and it was now after four when I popped out.  My choice was to return via the hill climb (Baskins Creek is like a V.  You drop straight down then climb back up 2.7 miles)  I decided to road walk back to Trillium Gap and pulled into the driveway where Myers and Gregg were patiently waiting.

And speaking of the Southern Forest Watch, did you see the latest news?  Probably not because local media won't give ear to any of this stuff. (with the notable exception of WATE)  But you will enjoy what National Media does with stories of any significance in the Smokies.