Big Ridge Ghost Hike
November1, 2008
Talk about an
explosion of color, BC George was successfully able to capture this late scene.
Unfortunately, so
was Judi, from the newly ventilated tent in which she was reclined.
Apparently, during the night, she was visited by either a Skunk Ape or some
Hezbollah terrorist with a ski mask whose sole intent was to dive bomb George's
domicile and render him broken and bent.
We have some footage of the interloper.
A counsel was
convened and punishment was discussed
We decided that this would be a good opportunity for george to acquire those new
Michelin Radials he has had his eye on.
Here is your
Big Ridge Crew. That fellow on the far left is Jerky Jake and we couldn't
get him to stop talking. Glad you could join us Jerky Jake. That
little gal on the other side of you is Holly, but we call her M.M. She is
now a publisher author with a whiney pappy called Sally Dumplin, the protest
camper who is too big in the britches to place his tent with the commoners.
Come to think of it, with all that domestic terrorism, it was probably a good