Little River trail to Campsite #30 4/26/09
That's right, it's Bugsy from
He likes the water. Can you
believe it was in the upper 80s and warm enough to swim?
Still loving the external frame
switch. Yes, it is a $5 yard sale present from my brother Dave. What
I like is the accessibility and air flow through the back. It also can
remain packed when you return, minus the wet stuff and sleeping bag.
Please fluff and remove your bags and let them breathe! I've seen many a
good bag ruined by folks who keep it stuffed in a trunk or closet.
As we approached campsite #24, we noticed
this tent at the closed campsite. The campsite is now closed for
"aggressive bear activity". You will recognize this tent spot from our
trip a few weeks ago, here.
Get the picture? Do I need
to explain further. Let me just say that the park service will get the
picture. It is not possible to do a positive assidentification is it?
They must have realized there was a lot of butt showing here a couple of weeks
This is indicative of the wonderful walk up
to #30. A very gradual climb of six miles to the end of the road below
Clingman's Dome. At 3400 feet, it was a crisp night with great river
Bugs has tent envy.
Yes, they are out. We stopped to
help him across the road and what does he do to thank us?
Ungrateful rat snake. He almost got
hit by two cars before we diverted traffic around to let him cross.
Forest Primeval at 30.
Aw fiddleheads.
Trail Stats: Little River trail to #30. 6.1 miles. Yes, the Dumplin Faction is probably ending their 5 day trip with wonderful weather. Those of us unable to attend were envious so we made do as our JOBs would accommodate. Hope they had a great time. Will try to post some pictures when they return. (and no, do not send me a FACEBOOK link, please)