Crooked Arm and the Saw Happy Highlander Crew.
Feb 21, 2009
This is what happens when I am not there to protect the trees.
Not that
this Highlander crew isn't respectul or anything. Here they are seen
performing the Highlander Pledge of allegiance. That shady character to
the left is the Indian Outlaw, CJ Hawkins. I only allow him to attend in
my absence.
With a
Hutchens sighting, Grady suspects foul play. Did you come up to count
trees, Grady thinks. No, says Jack. I have come for your women.
Grady says, we are not giving up CJ Hawkins for any amount of money. She
rarely makes it out and we need a camp B. Jack leaves dejected to the
sounds of sawing, so i heard.
Jerky Mike wonders if he has
awakened to some type of surreal dream. Last night, he thought, i was
sawing to my heart's content and this morning, the forest takes its revenge.
Here, Jerky Mike is seen lamenting the absence of trees.
The Livvid Privies will be performing soon. Check it out and be sure to attend.