Deep Creek:  April 27.

Well, you know how Jerky Mike and Dave hate the place.  But it made for a great motorcycle ride across the mountain and some excellent dayhiking and frontcountry camping.   I forgot my camera and did the loop trail on Sunday and the deep creek trail on Saturday, just the lower sections.  High Speed Alexander gifted me a pack that fits on the backrest of my motorcycle and it held all the camping gear and sleeping pads.  Thanks Bill!

Mike and Slapnuts did some miles.  Slap went up and played around and Mike picked up some odds and ends over near Springhouse Branch.

Will Howe and Jenny joined the party along with John the Red and Ricky Bobby.

We had an interloper who was forcibly removed from our campsite after uttering some discouraging words.  That combined with the fact that he stumbled over to us as drunk as ten sailors on shore leave.  He was an AT thru hiker.  Never could figure out what he was doing here, though.  In the morning his pack was where we left it, and he was gone.  Maybe to jail, who knows. 

Anyway, the wildflowers were blazing.  My favorite, the crested dwarf iris was in full regalia.  It was an outstanding time in the Bryson City drainage.

The Muir guys have been doing some stuff in Ohio and are representing us well.  I hope folks are enjoying this marvelous springtime weather.