Nov 24-26, 2006

Campsite Video Here                     Surveying the Campsite Video

Don't think the Brokeback Boys got much sleep on this trip.  Danno recovers after having the Pink Fleece placed on him by Mike Lesmerisches.


Angie, Matt and Jen chuckle after hearing of George and larry's fight.

It seemed like a great idea at the time until my feet turned into needles.

Feats of George  Feats of Mike

Feats of Larry and Snappy

We were joined by Paul, the thru hiker

  A Feat of modern engineering.

Luke and Mike bean up for the afternoon.

  As a  matter of fact, coffee was an olympic sport this trip.

Ethel looks for a tree to cut.

Moses led his people through the land of the Caananites.

Fruits of the lake.  Persimmon

a little sidetrip for bushwacking


The Ritual of the SunGlasses.  Has anyone seen my costly glasses?  Ground control to Major Mike.  Evel Knievel wants his shades back.

Jennifer adjusts things

More crossings by Martin, Wayne and me.

Paul and Clint assess the trail they must rehike.

Good ending to a Highlander venture.



Getting Around Edinburgh