Gabes Mountain
April 23, 2011
Good Friday was certainly good for a select Highlander crew.
I joined Grady and Skid as we ascended the Maddron Bald Trail route before
breaking off towards #34.
Despite attempts to persuade me to "just stay here", we pushed on through the
grueling 3 mile climb.
Besides, our President was prepping a nice stack of wood.
Which Skidmore thoroughly enjoyed.
Apparently our predecessors were not collectors. My theory? Well,
since there were three of these unopened about the camp I deduced the following;
Teenagers make a short in to camp after snagging a twelve from Dads dusty
basement collection. They soon realize that unlike wine and good whisky,
1982 looks better on the shelf than in a pile outside of your tent vestibule.
Ranger Grady is ready to write tickets for any further littering infractions.
All I know is that I'm ready for an Outlaw Supper prepared by Grady in the form
of Ribeye steak over an open flame. Oh yeah.........
I took a nighttime stroll about camp to make some wildflower photos.
Can you identify those flowers? If so, you get a free Outlaw Hiker Bumper sticker. I'll even mail it.
of course, I come across a snake. (Yes,
Stephanie, it is springtime.)
Uh oh! Someone didn't get the memo about not parking in front of the gate.
I guess that unnamed person will be paying 50 bucks to the US Govt (and not for
impersonating a park official either)!
This is the Gabes Mountain Cartel. A wonderful Spring outing. BC
George was unable to join us on this trip. He has taken up a new hobby,
Caving. I apologize for lag times in publishing. My computer
was in the hospital and the previous week we did not make it out. The
weather was bad and I had a training event. This weekend is the much
anticipated Muir Faction Meet up at Gregory's.