Gabes Mountain, Campsite #34
May 10-11, 2008
It all began with the Clan Playa's insistence that we do a backpack this weekend. All week long, the Speed Data's insistence upon getting out is weighed against my nagging sinus infection. Finally on Friday night, after wearing me down, Beth and I agreed to accommodate Bill Alexander's desire to return to the woods after a significant absence.
will notice that William is absent from this picture.
this one.
this one.
(False Solomon's Seal) Hen Wallow Falls below
and Grady say we should move on.
almost clobbered this little guy.
he was able to make an escape to the woods.
Bill Alexander, who could not escape from his house.
arrive in camp, but still no Sweet William Alexander. Scooter managed to arrive
at dusk via the other end of the trail. He told us that Bill thought the
weather looked bad. We had a wonderful night and great fire. The weather
moved in after we retired and by early morning the wind and rain was sporadic
but manageable
weather was only marginally bad. Unfortunately, for Mr. High Speed, the
weather is worse. As Captain Kirk said upon reaching port, Bill you
Lest we forget that the counsel agreed upon the deduction for failing to give
proper notice of cancellation prior to 24 hours.
Squaw Root
Trail Stats: Gabes Mtn to #34 via Hen Wallow Falls, 4.8 miles plus .5 detour to the Falls proper. Scooter did the back end of the trail and packed out with us for a shuttle back to his car.