Maddron Bald and the Refrigerator 11/16/13
This was the best view of the hike. At approximately 5 miles in to the Otter Creek site sits this overlook that is not to be overlooked.
Why did we choose this reviled spot? I have two reasons:
There's one.
And the guy on the right is the other. High Speed and Jerky Mike needed
miles. We do not like that spot whatsoever. I burned my tent
completely up there once many years ago. The story is part of Highlander
lore but I will recount it briefly here.
In the early 90s I had a tent with a zip out floor. As the weather was atrocious with deluging rain and sideways wind (not much unlike last night) I was forced to cook inside the tent. Having unzipped the floor, I primed my whisperlite stove. Any of you familiar with the whisperlite know of what I speak. It is a multi step process that ensured the ultimate retirement of that product, for me anyway. However, this particular evening, out of necessity and hunger, I primed the stove inside the tent. Yes, it is a big no no. Of course, the white gas touched part of the tent and within two seconds, the entire dwelling had erupted in a fireball. Before I knew what had happened, hot nylon was dripping onto my body scorching parts of me I didn't know existed. Soon I was sitting with a lighter looking like Wily Coyote beneath two criss crossed poles that was all remaining evidence of a tent.
This morning, after a windstorm and continuing gale, I attempted to re light my stove for coffee. It was sputtering. I tried several times, inside my vestibule this time, without success. For a moment I considered continuing with more white gas. Then I regained my senses and hiked the 6 miles back to the car without breakfast.
Yes, that is snow. Can you believe it?
That is an even more elusive thing. BC George is backpacking again! Sally Dumplin says, "allright"! Glad to have you back. Now get over there and start sawing some wood.
The full moon just never shows up at home like it does in person. But it was full and the fire was swirling. The otter creek camp is the coldest in the park. It sits in a holler by a creek and the wood situation is wet, just like the campsite.
Smoke fest chased us around the ring of fire.
But it never deters the production of a Highlander cheese board.
That's slapnuts talking to Bill. Slap retired early. Got smoked out, I reckon. Slap and Bailer are preparing to hike the Camino del Santiago trial in Spain next month. That should be exciting.
Despite the crappy campsite, a good time was had by all. Jerky Mike finished new miles along with Bill. Speaking of Bill, he and Sarah are now engaged. So is George. There seems to be a contagion of engagin amongst the clan. Congrats to both!
Trail Stats: 6 miles up to the campsite for me. Give or take.