Return to the top of the Little River
Yes, you are probably thinking, whaaat? Well, it has been a long hiatus. So many factors have prohibited me from joining my Highlander brethren in our beloved Great Smoky Mtns National Park. Not the least of which is the backcountry fee. I simply refuse to pay it. However, Sally D and Jerky Mike kicked in and paid the onerous tax so I could join them for a wonderful overnight backpack. I really appreciated the gift.
I needed to return
to our home mountains and commune with nature. My solo 6.8 mile walk
wasn't necessarily solo.
How about these guys?
Like so many times
before, I arrive to the sight of Dave with a fire already in the works.
I was back in our home.
This guy arrives a
bit later, just in time for the man below, who also descended from Sugarland Mountain
Trail. They are mile chasers. Big time mile chasers.
But Mike is leading
the race.
Then look who joins
the assemblage!
And of all folks we
never expected to see, its Will Howe. In case you haven't heard, Will just
completed every mile of the Appalachian Trail. He finished in Katadyn
about two weeks ago. I had the privilege of joining him for a section hike
last summer. He just kept on walking.
Amy's son, Jasper
was a welcomed addition. He was with us on Leconte two years ago.
Very nice young man.
However, we had a
guest of honor. That is Southern Forest Watch attorney and Hell (Bail) Guy
member, Myers Morton. Most importantly, it was Myers birthday.
He chose to celebrate it with us so we tried not to disappoint him.
Mike prepared an
excellent meat and cheese board in memory of our Muir Faction friends.
Then Amy produced
other hors d'eourves that were equally delicious. I don't know why I even
bother bringing food.
You never know who
is going to show up when the Southern Highlanders make a plan. It
could be no one or everyone.
And its always, lots
of fun.
Slapnuts does
a late night drive by and presents Dave with a flower to show his appreciation
for the big shindig recently. In case you didn't hear, Slap finished all
his miles in the park. This week begins round two.
Then he serenaded us
with a tune. Slapnuts is enjoying a double dose of newfound fame (or
as Will would say Nyufund).
Have you seen his cameo in this
Check it out on the home page of the SFW site.
The Little River is
always peaceful as it splits towards Goshen Prong. And I was delighted to
return to the Tennessee side of our beloved park.
A few updates on varying things is in order. First, Brian had a huge surgery on Friday. It was called a muscle flap surgery to bring live tissue back around to his leg. First reports are that it looks successful. It has been a long haul for my Broad Peak Climbing buddy.
Second, Supt. Ditmanson is retiring in January. That's the best news I have heard it a while. We intend to have a celebration party soon.
Last, the book version of our Broad Peak trip is in the final editing stages. I hope to be finished within a couple of weeks. I hope that you will download a free version of the kindle reader in preparation for the rollout. I can share with you the book cover. I think you will find the ongoing accounts of things interesting. I have tried to accurately recreate a timline, through interviews with all parties involved, of the tragic events on our expedition.