Slickrock Wildflower Weekend Follow @SouthHighlander
5/01-5/03 2015
If that peak to the right looks familiar, it should. that is Hangover from the Windy Gap trail. Windy Gap comes out at the Big Fat Gap trailhead.
It is that trail straight ahead. Walking along Windy Gap affords
exceptional views of the entire ridgeline from Hangover to Bob's Bald.
We began late friday afternoon. Starting at Slickrock trailhead we ascended Ike's Branch to Yellowhammer. From Yellowhammer we marched to a secret camping spot I had found a few years back that I will not publicize for obvious reasons. We were to meet some friends there and it required some map skills to have AJ and Jon find this clandestine spot.
Slapnuts had already beat us in. AJ and Jon were established in camp.
There are so many things to love about Slickrock. Slap and I have been on a quest to finish our miles there.
But this was a super sweet camping spot by a gently gurgling creek.
In the morning we took off in different directions to pursue varying trails. I
headed up towards Nichols Cove in hopes of knocking off Windy Gap and Hangover
Lead North. Slap was heading towards the nutbuster and AJ and Jon were
pursuing a similar path as myself.
Recognise this?
Better wake up? It is a Wakerobin.
And this? Well, it happens to be my favorite and the state wildflower of TN. Dwarf crested iris.
But this one beats them all. I found two pink lady slippers on the
Hangover Lead north trail.
Know that one?
Tons of these. C'mon. These are easy.
Solomon's Seal.
This is the only specimen I found on this trip.
More bonus points for identifying these.
I dayhiked for about five hours and knocked off the two trails and eventually
caught up with Jon and AJ. There was significant elevation gain and loss
in this 8 mile jaunt making it rather strenuous. And I saw zero snakes.
Absolute glorious weather for two days in Spring. I was itching for some outdoor time and this weekend didn't disappoint.
By dusk on Saturday, we had some more join the party. In comes Will, Jenny and John the Red. The weather was superb.
Laurel stayed in camp and performed her assigned wood duties. Isn't that quite a pile? She had some serious blisterage but that is the result of hard work. Now she had some more work, making my dinner.
Jenny and Red didn't mind although we had waited until Will arrived in hopes he would fetch more fuel.
I don't know what has caused this tree to evolve this way. Any arborists
out there can shed any light? It looks like every branch has been
systematically cut but it is deep in the backcountry and I can't imagine any
purpose in it.
I had a feeling that the weekend was going to be awesome. With the company and weather, my expectations were far exceeded.
This is some interesting trivia for you mountain enthusiasts. As a result of the earthquake, Everest has shrunk an inch and Shishapangma has apparently lost part of its summit in a collpase which could jeopardize its standing as an 8000 meter peak. That was a major earthquake.
And, this is a good place to point out how lame local media in Knoxville has been proven to be. Through the fee fight you have noticed that the News Sentinel refused to cover the Blackberry Farm trail system. I found this article on the Seattle Times Paper regarding another Knoxville area business that was not covered by KNS or any local media. Shouldn't we be questioning the news we are fed in E. TN? Don't ever question big business based in the area, Park Service being a prime example.