After a little hiatus, we were back on the trail and got some snow, cold and great company. This shot from Spence is looking southeast towards the shelter. The wind was tremendous, gusting up to 40 miles per hour. We didn't tarry long on that hill before retreating to the safety of campsite #9 on Anthony Creek. We were met my Carlton, Trey and Nick and Ricky Bobby on the second night. Carlton prepared steaks and entertainment for the Southernhighlander crew as we held a Christmas reunion. I hope to have more pictures posted in the coming days , so please stay tuned. Happy New Years!
With the wind and rain, Anthony
creek was a raging beast.
Like Smokies avalanches, the timber did
fall. How would you like to be underneath that monster at the wrong
The first night, Dave and I
made an Abe Lincoln log cabin fire. It was chilly.
The moon in the trees looks great
with this Nikon camera, a new toy.
We ran into a bit of snow, the
ground was frozen so the slush factor was nil, never even busted out the instep
The wind blew us back off Spence Field
hill tout suite.
Bobby came in and isn't quite happy with
the looks of things. He discovered that Doo Doo Doug had indeed caused an
President Dumplin inspects the
evidence to confirm that Doug had committed a grievous Highlander infraction on
last trip here.
Here is Carlton with Trey and Nick
on the left. You will remember them from
THIS trip.
If you will notice, those are New York Strip
steaks Carlton is preparing for us. I am not usually a red meat eater but
this was an especially delicious treat. Due to the absence of other
Highlanders who lost their battles with fear over the cold, we were able to
enjoy the "fruits" of their absence. I really appreciate that. In
cold weather, a high fat diet offsets the chill. In that respect, we have
several in our group that would be well suited for these temperatures and
shouldn't back out because of declining temperatures and increasing waist lines.
Just kicking back,
This is the Anthony Creek Crew.
Father and son,
hope this one makes it to the refrigerator door too, Carlton.
Happy New Years from the SOUTHERNHIGHLANDER Outlaw Hikers Chapter Number One.