The Rotary Version

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By this time, if you haven’t caught one of my presentations about Everest, you probably haven’t tried or live out of town as do many friends. I’ve been privileged to share the story with two Rotary Clubs, two Kiwanis Clubs, Walters State College, Second Presbyterian Church, Sam Houston Elementary and Little River Trading Company’s Trails and Ales series through Outdoor Knoxville.

The “Rotary Version” is abbreviated given time constraints but I am sharing it publicly here thanks to Alan Smelser and the Bearden Rotary who were kind enough to film it. The “Rotary Versions” focus primarily on the Everest portion where the longer talks include a lead up and history of my experiences prior to Mt. Everest.

If you are interested in having me share this experience with your group, I will gladly consider it, however, the middle of the day talks are quite difficult as I do work in Maryville and have to take time off.  I have found that many people have questions and I enjoy trying to answer them all.

I certainly have an abundance for which to be thankful this year. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and especially my family, girlfriend Laurel and all good friends who have supported the endeavor.