The Red and PMRC

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Wilson, Mikayla, Sarah and I went up to the greatest rock in the south.

Sarah makes a descent from one of these beautiful sandstone Cliff faces.

Mikayla was our lead though. She gets better every time we climb together. There’s a lot of stuff down there in Muir valley. Here we are on the Animal Crackers wall.

We camped out at Miguel’s and started a fire there.

This is a 5.10 +. And if you think it looks hard you have no idea.

Getting into the pmrc took some four-wheel driving. Thank goodness Mikayla captained the diesel Ford. We decided that the acronym for pmrc is Putin makes Republicans commies.

We got on the aptly named volunteer wall.

The weather was quite chilly up in Slade, Kentucky this past weekend. And on Sunday we dealt with a lot of wind. But overall we couldn’t have asked for better. We set up about four routes each day. And all of us gave it our best shots. Fun stuff always at the Red River Gorge