Flint Gap and a Night Visitor

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We planned to go toward the remote part of the world where the crowds would not ford. For some reason Flint Gap and this little low sideling campsite came to mind.

Bugsy was in town. He drove up Friday afternoon and we had time to get in a good mountain bike ride .

The splendor of a Smokies Autumn is unequaled.

Mark assumed fire duty this trip. Outstanding job he performed all around.

We shared fireside tales with our new friends, John Koehler and his grandson. Flint Gap is not a nice campsite, barely room for two tents. John and his son got the good area..

We had some dinner and celebrated news from John’s grandson via his inreach satellite connection. Biden defeated Trump.

This was met with skepticism. But ended up being true.   Huzzahs all round because the environment was under assault under that regime. Not to mention all the other damage inflicted. But I digress.

2:45 am.     I am awakened to shrill screaming down at the flat spot. There was a bear curiously sniffing a tent and our neighbors were startled. So ended my sleep for the evening. Mark was unaffected.

This little stream crossing is all it takes to keep people off of that side of the world. And I’m very thankful. Other than not sleeping after the purported bear incursion, it was an entirely successful journey with Mark and Bugsy.

Brian reminded me that he had camped over here about 5 years ago. I put him on this spot and two others during a journey at that time. Oops! So much for a new Smoky’s experience but Mark did get some new miles. Hannah mountain is undoubtedly one of my favorite trails in the Smokies. Tis but a 6.1 mi one way ticket from the back side of Abrams Creek.

Just understand that the water source at Flint Gap is low. And it tends to be that way most times I’ve camped there. Here are your Trail stats compliments of Strava.
