30 miles on the AT

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the weekend hit to finish the miles we had remaining to the James River bridge. As you will notice we finished here almost a month ago but pulled out a little early.

The first day we drove 4 and 1/2 hours up to Virginia and climbed 3,700 ft in 9 MI. When I say the weather was perfect I cannot emphasize enough how this temperature was right for the climbing. It may have been 60°.

the second day found us doing almost 12 miles. We followed the Blue ridge parkway for most of it.

we were just ahead of the bubble thank goodness.

The temperature dropped down into the 40s our first night and I’m glad I had my warmer bag. Martin and Frank did not.

the infamous guillotine

we were wary of bears in this spot. We hiked 12 miles and it was time to rest in the only place that had water. It was near here that this happened. https://thetrek.co/appalachian-trail/i-survived-a-bear-attack-on-the-appalachian-trail/

A big fire came through here a year ago and it was obvious the damage that occurred. Matts Creek.

an incredible 3-day weekend with 30 mi and lots of elevation. Great company and weather. Look at the size of this monster black snake I encountered. I would also like to make mention of the brand new helinox chair I got for my birthday from AJ. The week before we spent two nights out watching the lightning bugs in the smokies and it was glorious although we had some rain.


3 Responses

  1. KT

    I always enjoy reading your trip reports John. I have done some of the AT in VA, most recently in the Grayson Highlands. A little slice of heaven for sure.

  2. John

    I always appreciate you checking in and following along. I’m loving Virginia and think it may be one of if not the, most beautiful states in the Union. Happy Summer to you.

  3. Dana Koogler

    Enjoyed reading your trip report. I had to laugh at the mesh bag over your face. I hiked Kanati Fork Trail on a 95 degree day. Enough gnats and no seeums to carry me away. I came traipsing back on the return trip with my tank top on my head and peeping out an arm hole to keep my sanity from those aggravating creatures. I am sure I looked funny to all passers by. It has caused me to hate that trail.