21 Jun 2018 WBIR Interview that includes Laurel, the pretty one. by John | posted in: Uncategorized | 1 Thanks to Cole at WBIR for his interest. https://www.wbir.com/article/news/local/knoxville-man-saves-guides-life-climbing-mt-everest/51-565762367
AJ July 11, 2018 | Nice interview. You are right, they also interviewed the pretty one! I have sat on the same couch that my legendary JQ (Everest Boy). Can’t wait to see all your photos published on line. Congratulations again my friend.
Nice interview. You are right, they also interviewed the pretty one! I have sat on the same couch that my legendary JQ (Everest Boy). Can’t wait to see all your photos published on line. Congratulations again my friend.