On the trail with Yo-YO aka Frank

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67 Miles North on the Appalachain Trail with Frank, aka Yo-Yo

Oct 8-12 2016


A snapshot of the miles we completed and elevation is above. All but a few of the Georgia miles are included.


This is where we began after leaving cars and my girlfriend at the NOC. We were shuttled to Dick’s Creek where Frank left off from his last jaunt.


We began our ascent and first day climbing up the infamous Bly Gap making for 12 plus and lots of cardio.


8 miles in, we began the NC section. These were new miles for me as well. I have completed all the AT in TN. Section hikers is what they call us.


Views abound in this time of autumn.


Along with Ents.


The wind was gale force due to the hurricane but I set up outside Muskrat shelter for our first night of falling limbs. We felt as if our limbs would fall after the ascent of Bly Gap.

Part 2 of the Carolina AT walk    October 8-12 2017


I rather like this one.


= We enjoyed a beautiful sunset outside of Muskrat shelter.


Standing Indian mountain.


tn_p1060277 Carter Gap was busy and cold.  The wind had subsided and we put in about 13 miles this day.


Our newest best friends were Dave and his son, whose name escapes me presently.  Their fire was the antidote to my lack of down.  It got into the 30s in Franklin this night, I felt it through my sleeping pag.


The next day would find us making our way to the summit of Albert Mtn and the firetower with exceptional views.



It was a knee raiser to get here but the payoff was we got to drop for several miles down to Winding Stair Gap where we hitched a ride into Franklin for a motel night and visit to Outdoor 76.  Franklin is a trail town and we wanted to experience it.  We hit the trail next morning at a not so early time of 10.30 because our shuttle, Ron Haven, was unable to depart any earlier.  But he is a character.



There are a lot of dick creek and lick creek gaps etc along the Carolina section.

This day would find us ascending another  big hill towards Wayah Bald.

tn_p1060317 The stone tower is reminiscent of Camerer


But the view is unparalleled.  I could see hangover, the Smokies and and all the way into Franklin.


tn_p1060329 Now we were looking back towards Albert Mtn from the day before.  And what a haul it was.  We would end up doing over 16 miles this day on account of a drought situation that necessitated pushing on to a campsite past Wayah.  And our legs and blisters were feeling the love.


Because of the  unexpected 16 mile days my toes were casualties.

tn_p1060345 How is this for a sunrise view?  From our campsite the final morning, I coffeed up as clouds engulfed the valley floor.




Somewhere along this point, Frank realized he left his camera high atop the firetower at Wesser Bald.  So Yo Yo got to Yo Yo back up the hill a mile.  And I truly felt sorry for him.  I had to descend to meet Laurel at the NOC.


Wesser Bald Tower is a nice side trip.  Just don’t leave your camera there.


I will add that the drop down to NOC was knee jarring.  I feel sorry for anyone having to ascend that beast.  Frank caught up an hour after I hit the ground and put my feet in the water at NOC.  It corresponded with a great fish kill of unknown origin and the water temperature rose 10 degrees.

Frank, thanks for inviting me on this wonderful journey and congratulations on your section hike.  It was a grand, and problem free adventure.  There is a drought, so be prepared.  I fully expect Hangover to be dry as a bone.



  1. John

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